Category: Prayer of the Week

Prayer of the Week 12 February 2023

Redeeming Christ, during your time on earth,
you were sought by people from all corners of the earth.
You listened to their cry for help, treated them with dignity, love and compassion,
and brought them healing and wholeness when they asked of you.
Grant us the wisdom as your church in our own time
to provide to all those who we encounter in society the help that they need
and the care that they require.
Guide us to respond to the invitation of the Holy Spirit to dream of a world made new,
where the poor are not forgotten
but given the opportunity to live and flourish with good health and equal prospects.

Prayer of the Week 5 February 2023

Creating God, you are the perfect Light of revelation,
and as you shone in the life of Jesus, whose epiphany we celebrate,
so shine in us and through us,
that we may become beacons of truth and compassion,
enlightening all creation with deeds of justice and mercy.
Set us free, from the bondage of our sins,
and give us the liberty of that abundant life which you have made known to us in your Son
that we may truly be the salt and the light in our communities.

Prayer of the Week 29 January 2023

Gracious God, you listen attentively to the cry of holocaust
yet also encourage us to sing the song of hope.
With sorrow we remember before you the tangled tale of our bonds with the Jewish people.
We repent of the centuries of hostility and hatred.
May we continue to foster a new spirit of mutual understanding, building deeper relationships
which honour the heritage of faith that we hold in common,
so that together we may bear witness to the generosity of God’s compassion and steadfast love,
which seeks to bring heaven in ordinary here on earth.

Prayer of the Week 22 January 2022

God of Unity, forgive us when we are self-serving and help us to grow in unity
and understanding as we extend your love and justice to all.
Expand our vision that it may be wide enough to recognise the beautiful complexity of the tapestry
you chose to weave with each and every one of us.
Gather our frayed edges, our loose ends and bind us together for your glory, in Jesus’ name.

Prayer of the Week 15 January 2023

God of grace, through the mediation of your Son, you call us into a new covenant.
Help us therefore to draw near with faith and join ourselves in a perpetual covenant with you;
through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Prayer of the Week 8 January 2023

Loving God and Creator of all, you have given us your only-begotten Son
to take our nature upon himself, and revealed him to us at his baptism in the River Jordan,
grant that we, who have been born again of water and the Holy Spirit,
and made your children by adoption and grace, may daily be renewed by your Holy Spirit,
so that we may serve you and your church here and in the hereafter.

Prayer of the Week 1 January 2023

When life is hard, it’s time to trust God.
When life is full of joy and fun, it’s time to thank God.
When God seems far away, it’s time to look for God.
When God is close, it’s time to sing to God.
In all our lives it’s time to praise God.

Prayer of the Week 25 December 2022

Loving and Living God, you brighten our lives by this yearly festival of the birth of your only Son Jesus Christ. Grant that we, who joyfully receive him as our Redeemer, may with sure confidence see and receive him when he comes to complete the work of redemption for we know he lives and
reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever.

Prayer of the Week 18 December 2022

We praise you, eternal God, for the voices you give us, for the roles you entrust to us,
for the company you surround us with – angels, shepherds, Mary and Joseph,
friends and family, our communities, and our brothers and sisters around the world.
All creation has a share in your redeeming purposes and a place in your heart.
Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Prayer of the Week 11 December 2022

Christ our Saviour, who at your first coming sent your messenger to prepare your way before you:
grant that we, who follow you today as modern disciples may likewise so prepare and make ready your way
by turning the hearts of the disobedient to the wisdom of the just,
that at your second coming to judge the world we may be found an acceptable people in your sight and inherit the Kingdom with you.

Prayer of the Week 4 December 2022

Loving God, you sent you Son to destroy the plans of the evil one
and to make us co-heirs of eternal life:
grant that we, having this hope, may purify ourselves even as he is pure;
that when he shall appear in power and great glory
we may be made like him in his eternal and glorious kingdom;
where he is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever.

Prayer of the Week 27 November 2022

Christ our redeemer, you came, so that we might know we are yours by choice;
loved, embraced, saved and welcomed to your family and precious in your sight.
In this Advent, draw us together in unity that our praise and worship
might echo in these walls and also through our lives.
You came, so that we might be made complete, draw us together in mission,
that the hope within might be the song we sing, and the melody of our lives.

Prayer of the Week 20 November 2022

Christ the King of our hearts, our scripture stories tell us, you are a shepherd to the lost and the least.
Teach us to see your face among the poor; feeding the hungry, giving drink to the thirsty,
welcoming the stranger, clothing the naked, and visiting those who are sick or in prison –
so that we may share in your eternal realm prepared from the foundation of the world;
and wait with eager expectation for your second coming to reign with justice, compassion, and love.

Prayer of the Week 13 November 2022

[Minister] God of all nations; we pray for those who have been injured or disabled through war;
[Men] for those who have lost homes and security through conflict;
for those who have lost loved relatives in wars;
for those who face danger and take risks for peace.
[Women] We pray for all those, especially children, caught up in current conflicts;
for refugees and all those in need of aid and other help.
[Minister] God of encouragement and Saviour of the despairing,
[All] Comfort those who remember past sacrifices
and guide us in building a just and peaceful community for all.

Prayer of the Week 6 November 2022

Living God, you created us as a people
and claimed us for your own by the precious blood of your Son and our Lord.
As we come before you this day to acknowledge your Sovereignty and grace,
and to renew our covenant with you and our brothers and sisters,
we pray that you will reveal any reluctance or falsehood within us.
Let your Spirit impress the truth of your desire for us to be one with each other
as you are One with Christ.